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Thread sealing compounds
    1. Tomflon GTF-15 (-50°C to +260°C):   Thread sealing compound with PTFE powder and graphite in a high-melting, high temperature grease vehicle for thread sealing and thread protection under extreme conditions. It is further fortified with inhibitors for rust, corrosion and oxidation. Tomflon GTF-15 can be used in a multitude of low friction, thread-sealing applications requiring maximum performance. It is recommended for casing, tubing and line pipe threads. It prevents thread leaks of fluids, gases or steam. . Tomflon GTF-15 protects all threads from premature wear and prolongs the life of tapered-thread joints under all conditions. This material does not contain lead, zinc or other heavy metals.   
Further information: TDS Technical Data , MSDS Safety Data

    2. Tomflon GTF-25 (-50°C to +260°C): Heavy duty thread sealant contains a high concentration of PTFE powder and graphite in a high-melting, high temperature grease vehicle. Its lubricating and sealing proper­ties will prevent thread leaks of fluids, gases or steam. Tomflon GTF-25 is recommended for all critical tubular compo­nents from non-precision, loose, and worn threads to high preci­sion threads - particularly those subjected to impact or rough handling upon makeup. It protects all threads from premature wear and prolongs the life of tapered-thread joints under all conditions. This material does not contain lead, zinc or other heavy metals.
Further information: TDS Technical Data , MSDS Safety Data

    3. Tomflon FTF-33 (-60°C to +260°C): White thread sealant compound with a high concentration of PTFE powder. It was developed as a special white PTFE lubricating compound for casing and tubing. Tomflon FTF-33 is especially very good for use on fiberglass tubular goods. It protects all threads from premature wear and prolongs the life of tapered-thread joints under all conditions. This material does not contain graphite, lead, zinc or other heavy metals.
Further information: TDS Technical Data , MSDS Safety Data

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